Profile 簡歷
Yu Cheng, born in 1981, is a concept artist and illustrator specializing in the gaming industry.
Since beginning his career in 2006, he initially worked as a 3D modeler, creating intricate designs for 3D game characters. In 2007, his career took a significant turn when he discovered the world of 2D concept art and illustration.
From 2008 to 2012, Yu Cheng dedicated himself to becoming a 2D artist, honing his skills and developing his unique style. In 2013, he transitioned to freelance illustration, building an impressive portfolio of clients.
Over the years, Yu Cheng has contributed his talent to numerous renowned card games and projects, offering illustrations and character designs.
Collaborate clients included:
Square Enix,Applibot,Mynet,CAPCOM,Cygames,NCSOFT,Nexon,ESTsoft,Sumzap,Ateam,Gcrest,網易NetEase,Bushiroad inc,Crooz ,Klab,Paizo,Celsys,中文在线游戏Chineseall.....etc
His notable contributions projects include:
(Mobius Final Fantasy) (Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius) (Legend of the Cryptids) (Dragon's shadow) (Rage of Bahamut) (Shadowverse) (Deity war) (Kinza) (Dragoborne) (Lord of the Dragons) (Pathfinder) (Legion War) ( Gate Ruler ) (Arcana Defenders) (戰國 IXA Sengoku IXA ) .....
Yu Cheng's work continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.
生於 1981 年,目前專職遊戲原畫設計與宣傳插畫, 早年在學期間學習平面網頁設計與3D動畫,2006年進入遊戲產業,任職於3D美術,2008年後,因嚮往2D原畫設定與插畫。08~12年 期間轉職於2D美術原畫,2013年後轉為插畫師。
其後與許多國際客戶合作: Square Enix,Applibot,Mynet,CAPCOM,Cygames,NCSOFT,Nexon,ESTsoft,Sumzap,Ateam,Gcrest,網易NetEase,Bushiroad inc,Crooz ,Klab,Paizo,Celsys,中文在线游戏Chineseall.....等
( Mobius Final Fantasy ) ( Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius ) ( TEPPEN CAPCOM ) ( Legend of the Cryptids ) (戰國 IXA Sengoku IXA ) ( Dragon's shadow ) ( 神擊巴哈姆特Rage of Bahamut ) ( 闇影詩章Shadowverse ) ( 神魔X繼承 Deity war ) ( 戰國炎舞KIZNA ) ( Dragoborne ) (Arcana Defenders) ( Lord of the Dragons ) ( Pathfinder ) ( Legion War ) ( OVERHIT ) ( Gate Ruler ) ( 天空之門宣傳畫 )....等
作品同時收錄於許多畫集與展覽 (請參閱下方)
Client 合作客戶&工作經歷

Publications 歷年作品收入畫集
Pixiv X 蓋亞 Artists in Taiwan:臺灣插畫.漫畫家藝術精選
MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY 画集First Anniversary Collections
Rage of Bahamut "神撃のバハムート"Official Illustrations
乐艺leewiART角色2 國際優秀數字藝術家佳作賞析
EXPOSE 8 p088~089
EXOTIQUE 2 p006 &p114
EXOTIQUE 4 p101 & p191
EXOTIQUE 5 p042-043 & p049
EXOTIQUE 6 p008 & p009
神魔x繼承!RAGNABREAK Visual Works p012
Fantasy+ ( 5 ) – CYPI PRESS
Fantasy Art: Warriors & Heroes
NEW WEB PICK issue 44-interview
2D Artist Magazine
EXO2 Magazine
Artzmania Magazine
graphika manila09 book
Digital Art Magazine
Zeixs Asia Book
KISMET Fashion magazine 13th issue ( April ) 2011
Lord of the Dragons Art Book (KLAB Game)
Visions magazine
Award & Exhibition 參展
2009 Exhibition in Tokyo ASIAGRAPHIC Excellent Work
2009 Exhibition in GEISAI TAIWAN
2010~2017 Exhibition in Tokyo ASIAGRAPHIC Invited Artist
2021 Exhibition in Taiwan" ARTISTS IN TAIWAN 特展 " 誠品信義24小時書店 3F FORUM